Last day…

Well, the last official day of my being 14 years old comes to a close. And so, I shall spend a little while contemplating my existence.

This past year has been one of surprises, growth, and insight. Last year, my worldview was vastly different from what it is now. Last year, God really wasn’t a big part of my life. Guys were seen as annoying, dirty, cruel, and utterly incapable of friendship (wow did I get that one wrong!) My family was just a bother. I saw myself as worthless, undeserving of love.

Looking back, my thirteenth year of life wasn’t at all fun. This fourteenth one, though, has been full of new friends (like Gabe and Evelyn!) new experiences (Winning at Fair!) and a new understanding of God, of His great love for me and for everyone. I learned to smile more, to laugh more, to not be afraid of people in general and guys in particular.

I’ll miss being fourteen. It has been quite the ride. But something tells me that being fifteen will even better. ๐Ÿ™‚

Love to all!


69 thoughts on “Last day…

  1. I’ve kept three! There’s the secret journal, which is red (and hidden where nobody can find it!! MUAHAHAH!! Well, as long as nobody looks in my bookcase…) and then the not-so-secret journal, which has flowers in it, and which a few people I know could benefit very much by reading (including my sister Zoe and Gabe) and then there’s the public journal, AKA this blog. ๐Ÿ™‚


    • I’ve filled up four journals already… I have a bad habit of writing down EVERYTHING. 500 years from now, my descendants will be saying, “We have the dullest greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandmother EVER.”


      • Youre not dull! Your descendents will be saying “WOW!!! we had the coolest granny EVER!!!!! She was so awesome, and smart, and wise, and thoughtful, and overall wonderful!! Oh, WHY can we not be more like her?!?” ๐Ÿ˜›


    • well, I found it. but I’m not sure I detect any hinting. unless you’re talking about me benefiting from reading your journal or how you thought guys were incapable or friendship…


  2. And the tactic worked then too.
    I would, but I know well enough that i would feel very bad later for having been such a jerk on here, and so i’m now trying to think up ways to mend the situation without getting into too many more terrible scrapes.


  3. Honestly, I don’t know you well enough to say for sure. But if I had to guess, you’d sit there and blink a few times, trying to figure out what just happened.


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