Song of the week: Jan 31-Feb 6

Hello all! Well our comp is getting faster, but isnt quite fixed yet, so I still find it difficult to write to any of you. Yet, Sokore is still accessible. I ironed out a few glitches with the menus, and put a Category Cloud at the bottom, and gained a few ideas for a new theme. I also am writing up a storm, but my editor *cough cough* Gabe *cough cough* hasnt gotten back to me yet about Chapters 2 & 3 yet. Thus explaining why they arent up.  Its hailing a storm up at the Mountain (which all of my readers have now visited, yay) and its colder than hell. O well, O well. Other news? Well, Izzy and I have reached an important stage in our friendship… we have actually gotten around to actually talking on the phone *trumpet and confetti time!* Lol, im still the madwoman you all know. Dreaming of the future, carpal tunnel infecting my aching hands, gathering $100 for a RETREAT!!!!! *YAY*

Buuuuutttttt….. this post is technically about our newest Song Of the Week.


A hilarious song which I totally love….

This Is Country Music, by the incredibly handsome BRAD PAISLEY!

Thats it for now. Sayonara!


Animagon: The least understood element.

Animagon was the last element to be discovered. While once thought to be only an element for the use of talking to and controlling animals, it is now known to have many other powers. Animagon is, along with spirit and mind, the element responsible for the human person as we know it. Mind gives a person their mental abilities, Spirit gives them their soul, and Animagon gives them muscles, bones, sinews, and other parts of the corporeal body. Because an animal has only the last of these three, Animagon Elementals have a great deal of control over animals. An important part of the Super-Element (which is Life, made by combining some of every Element into a corporeal form)The Elemental Controller is Bernadette, who is the half-sister of Daret Le’Montez and is married to the infamous Sirius Black (Thus explaining her full name: Bernadette Morgan Le’Montez Black.) Animagon Elementals are usually quick and strong, with moderate tempers and fine minds. Their main weapon is the Kerkon, a staff with a slim blade on one end and a smooth, hard, round stone on the other. The color is a deep russet orange.

Saint of the Day: January 21

Today’s saint is a rather well known one:

Agnes, the daughter of a noble Roman family who had become a Christian, was martyred at the age of twelve or thirteen during a persecution of Christians when she openly declared her belief. Her name is in the Roman Canon, and in the earliest Church calendar (354 AD), her feast was assigned to January 21, on which all accounts of her death agree. Agnes was martyred in 304, in the persecution of Diocletian, or possibly earlier, in a third century persecution. According to very early accounts, her enraged persecuters attempted to burn Agnes, and when this failed, they decapitated her.

Testimony to her courageous witness was given in early accounts. An account of her martyrdom was written by Saint Ambrose (340-387) in “De Virginibus”, and Pope Damasus (ca. 304-384) extolled the heroism and virtue of the young girl, reportedly telling in a poem how she bravely faced fire, concerned only that her stripped body be covered by her long hair. The Pope also wrote an inscription to her on a marble slab, which can still be seen at the foot of the stairs leading to the sepulchre in the church built over her grave during the reign of Constantine (ca 275-337). According to the description of her martyrdom by Prudentius (348-413), as part of the persecution “the judge threatened to give over her virginity to a house of prostitution, and even executed this threat; but when a young man turned a lascivious look upon the virgin, he fell to the ground stricken with blindness…”.

The church built over her tomb in the 4th Century, Sant’Agnese fuori le Mura (“Saint Agnes outside the walls), stands today — on the Via Nomentana — much the same as it was after it was remodeled by Pope Honorius (625-638). A mosaic in the apse of the church shows the young saint as a Byzantine empress, amid flames with a sword at her feet.

Another perhaps more famous church, Sant’Agnese in Agone, faces the Piazza Navona in Rome. Originally a 9th century oratory built over the the site of her martyrdom, a brothel in the arcades of the Circus of Domitian, also known as the Circus Agonalis, it was consecrated as a church by Pope Calixtus II on January 28, 1123. The present church was extensively remodeled in the 17th century by Rainaldi, according to plans by Borromini, and was influential in Baroque architecture. The Roman ruins of the brothel where Agnes was martyred are accessible from inside the church.

Since the early middle-ages, Saint Agnes is usually depicted holding a lamb (agnus – a pun on her name) as a symbol of her purity. At least since the 9th Century, each year on the Feast of Saint Agnes, two lambs are solemnly blessed at the church of Sant’Agnese fuori le Mura. From the wool of these lambs are made the pallium (a strip of white wool with black crosses woven into the fabric) given by the Pope to an archbishop as a sign of office.


Story Day!

Ok all!

Tomorrow will be a momentous day for this blog! Tomorrow, i will be telling one of my members an actual story! No more fragments, no more things running around in my brain…. You people have no idea how exciting this is for me! 🙂

Bernadette (and maybe Izzy too) I have the most epic, funny, romantic story for EVAH. As for the rest of you nutjobs.. youre out of luck.

Hugs to all :-*

Rules 4, 5, 6, and 7

Rule #4: Be a light in the darkness. Spread the light of life wherever you go. Never intentionally make someone sad or angry.


Rule #5: Always eat what is put in front of you, even if it is distasteful or odd to look at.


Rule #6: Learn the times to be silent, the times to be serious, and the times to be loud or humorous.


Rule #7: Always look on the bright side, lest you get caught up in the darkness.

A poem about Friendship

Hello all! Whilst scouring the bowels of the internet, i came across this lovely poem on friendship.


(from Panchatantra, a book of Indian tales)

‘Tis hard to find in life
A friend, a bow, a wife,
Strong, supple to endure
In stock and sinew pure,
In time of danger sure. 

False friends are common. Yes, but where
True nature links a friendly pair,
The blessing is as rich as rare. 

To bitter ends
You trust true friends,
Not wife nor mother,
Not son nor brother. 

No long experience alloys
True friendship’s sweet and supple joys;
No evil men can steal the treasure;
‘Tis death, death only, sets a measure.

Life is good/ Story time!


I spent the day at a HARLEM CITY GLOBETROTTER game. and it was THE MOST EPIC AND AWESOME THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! i got some autographs, heres a pic:

Liam and I with our souvenirs!


And guess what else? I have a story fragment for you!

“Erik took the shards of the shattered sword, and placed them in all honor in the royal throne room. For even though the sword had caused the death of his sister, Tai, it was still a legendary artifact of a bygone art, the only sword of its kind, Hellfyre: The sword of the Queen. And Mureil, the daughter of the queen, became the ruler of Tokore. As her mother had, with her final breath, destroyed Myerhan the traitor, the evil that had plagued Tokore in her mothers lifetime was eradicated, and peace reigned. Aren lived out the remaining years of his life in the castle, and spent much of his time in the great garden that his wife Tai had loved so much. He lived to see his great-grandchildren, and when he died, he was buried next to his wife in the great red tomb. And Mureil was the last queen of Tokore, for at last it was taken from those who had toiled at it for so long, and they all went to Herene, the land of Light, the undying world, where they remain forevemore, honoring the Glory of God, and singing their songs of life to the music of the stars.”


That, my friends, is the very end of the story i have written. And i wont post up anymore UNLESS YOU COMMENT AND TELL ME YOU WANT ME TO!”