
Tani needs a nap.

Why does Tani need a nap? Because Tani has a long and exhausting and AWESOME day ahead of her. Around 2:30, I’m leaving to go to Physical Therapy. It ends at 4:00. From there, I travel to St. Ambrose, to meet a few peeps from Confirmation class. We all get into our van at 5:00. We drive across town to St. Thomas. At 6:30, the epic event known as XLT (Exalt written in cool speak) begins, which includes music, a talk about a relevant subject, and adoration (ahhhh! :D) And after THAT ends, around 7:30, the fantabulous Ike Ndolo Band is performing at St. Thomas until 9:30 or so! EEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPP!!!!! *Dances around*

This is going to be a long day.

And yes, this was a brag post. Ha!


Retreat Pics (Official) for Day One!

Love to all!-Tani

Uber-Long RETREAT OVERVIEW time!!!

OK, so I have finally gotten around to posting this. Lets overview!


After my last post, I put on my makeup and drank a cup of tea. Then, we had to leave. So we drove and met Bill our lifeteen leader and the rest of the group, who were driving in several cars. I rode with Bill and a few girls,only one of which I knew.  They did a bunch of really crude quizzes in the back, so I listened to Christian music an talked with Bill in the front. We drove about two hours, stopped for Pizza, drove more, and made it to Purisima Retreat center around 7:30. We put all of our stuff in our rooms, which had bunk beds (I took top bunk!)  Then we went to the food fall and played ninja for about 40 minutes while the adults set up the main hall. I made a few acquaintances, like Seamus, Matt, Zach, Alec, Mel, and Ashley. Then the adults called us and we went into the main hall rather awkwardly. We played a game involving a ball which had bizarre personal questions written on it (what song describes your life, stage a conversation with the president, etc.)Then we sang a bit, and heard our Retreat song (which I got to help make up the dance to) and then we settled down to hear the rules and all.

We were divided into a guys group (about 7 people) and a girls group (about 13.) The guys went off to talk in the dining hall, and us girls stayed in the main hall for our session. We talked about Justice. Justice is what is owed to every human being- life, love, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We talked about two hours, discussed, and then just randomly chatted about life to each other. Then the guys came back, we sang some more, played another game (this one was so bizarre and yet hilarious that I cannot begin to describe it) and then it was about midnight, so we went to bed. Our little dorm (McKenzie, Katherine, Alyssa, Ashley, Sara, and myself) said a rosary before bed, which was really great.


Saturday started at 6:30 with Nickelback waking me (and everyone else, apparently) on my alarm. Ashley and I chatted while we got dressed, and then we went and played catch with the guys who were up. At 8:00, we went to breakfast, which was banana pancakes and sausage and apple juice. After that, we went to another session on Justice, this time talking about what a just woman looks like. After that, it was time for mass! Mass was AMAZING, just being there with all those people and everyone just loving God and the miracle of the Eucharist. More on this later!

After mass, the guys left and we talked about fortitude. Fortitude is courage, especially the courage to practice justice. We talked a bit more afterwards and played some games with the guys. Then we had lunch, which was chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, veggies, and more apple juice. The food was amazing, all the good homemade stuff that people are supposed to eat. Bill ate at our (Ashley’s, Sara’s, Matt’s, Alyssa’s, Seamus’, and mine) table, so poor Matt couldn’t tell any of his very ribald jokes. Those people came to be my best friends on retreat. Awesome, awesome folks.

Then we had confession, which was in the same room as the Tabernacle, so I wasn’t just confessing to the priest In Persona Cristi, I was actually confessing to Jesus himself! It was beautiful. Confession for everyone took an hour and a half, and then we had another session, this time on Temperance, AKA self-control. How did they teach this? By pouring tons of candy on a table and telling us to dig in. So, we sucked on our ring pops and bubblegum and gnawed on snickers as they explained what temperance is all about. After that was done, some people left to play frisbee with the guys, and the rest of us stayed and talked abut adoration and all the various experiences we had had. (I’ll explain that later too!)

Then we had dinner with Deacon Uncle Mr Scott (he’s a deacon, a friends Uncle, and a Mister, so he is officially called that,) which was tacos and yet again apple juice. It was kind of a thing. After dinner, we had another session on sin. For this one, each girl was given a perfect rose. As one of the leaders read out a letter to God, telling him about our sins, we each plucked off a petal of the rose for each sin that was read out that we were guilty of. By then end, our laps were full of petals and our roses looked,well… pitiful. We took the ravaged roses and placed them in front of the statue of Mary, saying a decade of the rosary. The petals we placed in a bag for later.

The boys came back in, and everyone brought out pillows and sleeping bags to the main room. We set up our area, and prepared for Adoration. Deacon Uncle Mr Scott wrapped his hands in a cloth (human hands being unworthy to touch the monstrance) and carried the monstrance to the altar. We all sang to Jesus as we kneeled or lay down, and then, it went quiet.

One by one, each of us girls carried the petals we had plucked from our roses, carried our sins, and we strew them around the monstrance. We gave our sins to Christ.

Apparently, all you could hear after this point was the “thuds” of people hitting the ground as, one by one, we each Rested in the Spirit. After that, memories get fuzzy. I remember crying, and I remember Annie holding me and me holding her as we cried together. I remember the Deacon carrying the monstrance around, touching it to the heads of each one of us, and Annie begging to be allowed to run after Him so that she too, could be touched. THAT was a beautiful moment, her sobbing as the deacon rested the cloth against her forehead. She Rested in the Spirit not long after. Katherine Rested and fell on my head. The deacon came to me last, and the last thing I clearly remember is leaning my head against the cloth, only wanting to be near Jesus for a little while. Matthew, from across the room, said that after He left, I started shaking and swaying before falling face first onto a (convenient) pillow. I Rested in the Spirit for about 20 minutes. Out of the 20 kids there, about 17 Rested in the Spirit that evening. Several also had visons and tears.

The band started playing “Stand” by Hillsong, and one by one, we all got up, except for Sara and Ashley, who were completely out of it. They awoke little later. The Deacon put Jesus back into the tabernacle, and we all went to the dining room for cocoa and to share our experiences. By the time we finished, it was midnight, so we all went to our rooms, except for the girls, who sang a rosary together before we went to our dorms (I got a vid, it should be up soon.)


I woke up early to take a shower. Then Sara, Ashley, and I went outside to talk with the guys about bad sequels (it was a toss up for worst between Pocahontas 2 and Cinderella 3) Then we went to say a rosary in the main room. Everyone was so caught up in the rosary, nobody noticed that while we were praying, the CORE members had placed a vase full of new, perfect roses in the center of the room. Each of girls took a new rose, and we started crying, and the guys were staring at us because they had no idea what was going on… it was lovely. We had breakfast of cereal and muffins, and then we went back to our room for a talk on Prudence, which is knowing right from wrong. After that was Lunch, which was leftovers, and then we went to pray one last time and get our retreat shirts and CDs. We packed up, cleaned up, and left. I was again in the car with Bill, Sara, Ash, and Alyssa, and we listened to Christian music on the three hour drive back to St. Marks. Since we left in so many cars, we had a race back. Our car came in second, but at least we beat Bill’s wife. Then, a few people left, and we had mass, and my friend Jesse (who didn’t come, dang him) revealed to me that he got a new girlfriend (just last month he swore he was in love with another girl. This is why teen relationships are doomed to fail.)

After mass, Zoe picked me up, I left my pillow in Bill’s car, I came home, and I wrote a blog post and crashed.

That’s it! Love you all! (And od loves you too!)


What is adoration?

You are going to hear a lot about Adoration for while, so I’m going to explain it for those of you who don’t know.

We Catholics, as you know, believe that the bread and wine at Mass actually becomes Jesus’s body and blood. So, we honor the body of Christ by placing the Host in a special container called a monstrance. Here’s a pic-

So, we place the host in the center, and then we kneel or lay prostrate on the floor and just talk directly to Jesus, the word made flesh, God himself in a tiny bit of flour and water.

It is one of the most powerful experiences you can ever have.

Anyway, you can get some HUGE Gifts of the Holy Spirit during adoration. Here are the most common-

Tears- You start crying.You feel deeply ashamed, because you can feel God right there with you, and His infinite love and perfection make you feel even more deeply your sins. And yet you are full of irrational joy because God, the creator of the universe and snails and oceans and E-flat, is right with you, is spending His time with YOU. And you are laughing and crying and shaking, and it is so beautiful.

Resting in the Spirit- God is giving you a bear hug. You first start shaking, because your soul longs to fall before God and your body wants to stay up. And then, the world distances itself. You can still hear, smell, feel, but none of that matters, because God is all of a sudden filling you, coming into your deepest self. You fall over. Some people hear voices, experience visions, start laughing or holding conversations with God, or just shake. You can also feel like you are in the sunshine, even if you are indoors. You can move if you want, but you don’t want. You just want to be.

Smell of Roses– many people smell roses during adoration, even if there are no flowers of any sort around. The smell can cling to a person for days later.

Tongues- This one is actually fairly rare, though I do know people who have had it. It’s not the traditional idea of just being able to speak German all of a sudden. It was explained to me more as speaking gibberish which everyone heard in their own tongue, even if theirs was a remote dialect with a specific inflection from one 2-square-mile town in Lithuania. It is an amazing gift for anyone to have.

So, that is cleared up, expect more late from the Retreat!

Love to all!


Retreat Pics!

Here is the first round, folks, and more should come soon! 😀 (Oh, and check out Matthew the redhead, Evelyn. 😉 )

Love to all!


God loves you.

GOD LOVES YOU. He loves you SOOOOOOOOOOO Much!!!!!!!!!! He wants everything from you, all your sins, all your mistakes, all your troubles and hurts and hatreds. Put them on Him. He will take them away FOREVER and you will be a new, beautiful, and PERFECT creation.

(Overview of retreat to come… But God has filled me with so much of His love that I can’t help but pass it on. Keep on passing it!!!)

I love you!!! And God loves you!!!!!

-Exhausted and 100% happy Tani

It’s that day again!

That day when Tani has to frantically pack because she is leaving for a weekend on retreat! Anyone else find it odd that I’m packing more painkillers and joint supplements than I am clothes?

Anyway, I’ll be out until Monday morning, probably, or very late Sunday night. Please pray for me, and I’ll be praying for all of you!

The funniest thing is, though, that I *again* have baby chicks due to hatch while I’m gone. With all the good luck charms I carry around, its a wonder my luck is still so bad!

Love you all!


Why guys REALLY open the door and say “women and children first!” (A reply to Evelyn)

Dear Evelyn-

I get that you think that guys opening doors and letting women off of a sinking ship first is outdated and sexist. But, sadly, your reasons for them doing such things are simply not correct. You said it’s because people thought women were weaklings, useless, helpless. Nope. It is this wonderful thing called “respect.” (Maybe you’ve heard of it? It used to be the big thing.)

Men USED TO THINK that women were more important. They were quite aware that women could lift and carry. They had seen skirted heroines working in the fields, carrying heavy loads. But out of respect for women, they tried to make the workload easier. Also, they knew women could do something that they could never do- bear children! A man would never, ever have the patience to deal with screaming children, get dinner on the table, keep a house decent, all on three hours sleep. Men viewed women with a kind of awe and reverence, as is our due. Thus, just as a servent opens the door for the king, they opened the doors, took the umbrellas, carried the packages, and let them get off the sinking ships first. Also, you must remember… physically, women ARE WEAKER than men. I’m not being sexist, I am simply stating a fact. My brother Pavel can do things that I can’t. And that’s OK. God made men physically stronger and made women emotionally stronger. We have the power to make a man a beast, a slave to his lust, or make him a man- strong, courageous, passionate, a paradigm of virtue. Our beauty is used to sell everything from cars to blenders, because we know that men cannot resist beautiful women. Have you ever seen an ad where a man in his underwear was used to sell a Ferrari? Of course not! People would react with horror!

In modern times, it seems we have given up being better for being equal. Seeing as we have all but lost the respect for true womanhood, we women think that we are exactly the same as men. The funny thing is, the good men… don’t want to be exactly the same as women. The good men enjoy opening doors. Sure, maybe you have never known a truly good man. But get this- a great many are repulsed by a woman who  acts like a man! It’s their job! The king opening the door for the servant doesn’t make much sense, does it? We are sacred. We are beautiful, as women. We have a power and mystique to us that drives men insane! Who on earth would want to give up that?! We don’t need men to complete us; we are complete and perfect. But if a man wants to try for our hearts, OK, let him.

So, my feminazi friend, now do you see the reasoning behind this?

